Native PayPal Processor Support (Website Payments Pro):
.netCHARGE has been developed and tested to support PayPal's new merchant services
/ processor offering: Website Payments Pro which is an all in one solution for payment
processing that does not require a separate merchant account or gateway. Control
your checkout from start to finish, and easily integrate PayPal with your order-management
system and shopping cart. PayPal Pro allows users to remain at your web site and
have the transaction completed securely in the background with .netCHARGE. Learn
more direct from
.netCHARGE provides seamless integration with this new system in a fully managed ASP.NET environment.
Simple Ease of Use:
For all the technical implementation, .netCHARGE remains simple to use even with its advanced native PayPal Pro processor integration. As with all processors and gateways .netCHARGE provides a common set of properties and methods, set your account details, the card holders information and run the charge method - .netCHARGE does the rest! You can be processing native PayPal Pro transactions through ASP.NET in minutes!